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1964 W. Eleven Mile Road • Berkley, Michigan 48072 • Call us: 248-544-9300
Keeping You Healthy is Our First Priority
An Inclusive Medical Center for all your healthcare needs
Since 1980 Dr. Paul Benson's Be Well Medical Center has been an inclusive medical center celebrating diversity. We take tremendous pride in our history of creating a safe space for people of all backgrounds. The care and attention we provide to populations of people who have traditionally been neglected by the healthcare industry is something that sets our practice apart from others.
Postponing your heathcare is no longer recommended. We have many protocols in place to keep you safe. Additionally, telemedical visits are still available when appropriate. Read more Vertical Divider
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Read more about testing, antibody testing, prevention, treatments, ways to be healthier, safer and kinder to yourself and others and other Be Well updates
You can call us or request an appointment through our HEALOW patient portal and we will then contact you to schedule it. |